Monday, June 18, 2012

I climbed my mountain!

I am a very stubborn person! Whether or not that is a good thing i don't know, but i am a very stubborn person. Do not tell me i can't do something cause i may just kill myself trying to do it.

I was recently told i could not go on a 3.4 mile hike near Encampment Wyoming. it would be too hard and too long for me. I know the person telling me this was trying to help, but all it did was make me mad at said person and not let anything stop me from doing the hike. i felt the person should of been more supportive and less negative. MS does not mean i can't accomplish things, It just means i may need more time and assistance to complete it. Whether it's climbing a mountain or just doing the laundry, i can do it!

I had my mind made up. I was going before i even knew i had someone to take me. So come Hike Day, we got our lunches ready, water packed and headed out to the Green Mountain Falls. My dad, Mr. Wonderful, and I started up the trail and everything was going good. I had found myself a walking stick and most of the trail was shaded. The problem was the trail was made up of steep inclines and declines as well as covered with rocks and roots to climb over. The further into the national forest we got the slower i got. A hike that usually takes an hour to complete took us 2 and a half hours. I had to take several breaks along the way, more then i anticipated at least. There were even several points I worried, if I couldn't move any further, what would the plan be to get me off the mountain. Several times i thought about giving up, or regretting my decision to go, but the thought of letting MS win, and proving the person wrong motivated me to keep going. The last portion before the top of the hike I almost gave up. I was so hot and tired and in pain i just wanted to sit down an cry. Thankfully Mr. Wonderful was their to help me.

 I would not of been able to complete even a portion of this hike with out the help from Mr. Wonderful. He kept me from falling on several occasions and kept encouraging me to keep going when he could tell i was getting to my breaking points, as well as forcing me to take regular breaks; And my dad, I wonderful trail guide!

We finally made it to the top and found a place to eat our sandwiches and watch the rushing river. I felt so accomplished. Unfortunately, the waterfall was not as big and beautiful as it had been in the past, which was disappointing, and I will probably never do this hike again! I'm glad I went. I had to do it for me.

Now all we had to do was get back down the mountain and go home! Today (the day after) I am dealing with what I like to call an MS Hangover. I feel very imbalanced, like i haven't slept in week; even though i slept all night and most of today, and i have been dealing with headaches off and on all day. Even though I feel pretty crummy today I would not change yesterday for the world. Except for maybe the person who told me i couldn't do it being there and seeing it. ;)

Me at the top of the mountain!

Saturday, June 09, 2012


I am absolutely amazed and grateful to many people who have stepped up and have helped me through this process. Not only physically but emotionally. Those that are close to me as well as those not so close. Many people have been readily available through Facebook with a positive note, or when I run into those that know out and about I am always encouraged.

One person in particular; a boy who grew up across the street from me, Landon. Landon was more my brothers friend then mine since he was older, but was always very kind to me. He would let me, the annoying little sister tag along when all the other boys said no. We have kept in touch over the years thanks to Facebook but very rarely actually talk. He will be sacrificing his time and lots of energy in August to partake in a Bike MS fundraiser. Over a  2 day period he will ride 167 miles for those that cannot ride for themselves. Landon let me know he will be riding in mine and 2 other people he knows honor.

I was very touched by this act of kindness from a person I've only somewhat known over the years, and am thrilled he is putting such great effort towards helping "the cause".

If anyone is interested Landon's goal is to raise $1000.00 for the National MS Society to help those in need and for further research. You can donate...


The ride will be held August 18th and 19th in Sundance Wyoming for those also interested in donating their time.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Normal ish...

This past Monday I went back to work. I was very nervous to do so. I had been gone for over a month. What if I forgot how to design? What if I couldn't handle the hours? What if...?
For this of you who don't know, I am a floral designer for a local flower shop. I only work part time, which I do for school. Its just a bonus now with MS.
Since I have been back I have loved every minute of it... well most minutes, it is still a job. I work mornings which is good for my energy levels except I've noticed everyday, when there is about an hour left on my clock I tend to get very tired. Currently our building is very small and hot. It also has scary cement steep stairs I go up and down several times a day. Thankfully we will be moving to a new building hopefully within the month. The new place is larger and is all one level.
So aside from going back to work, I have been fighting with the college trying to organize my school work and financial aid since there was some confusion with my paper work.
All in all I feel like I'm getting back to a semi organized normal ish life, and it feels good.